Grant Management

Funding Allocate Measure

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Electronic Client Level Integrated Prevention System

ECLIPS was developed for the City Of Houston’s Department of Health and Human Services. The department receives and manages funds for HIV prevention activities with the goal of reducing the transmission of HIV. Multiple disparate systems and spreadsheets were combined to form ECLIPS where data could be easily stored, retrieved, reported and analyzed as required by the various stake holders.

Community Based Organizations (CBOs) started using ECLIPS during the summer of 2012.

Key Features


  • Store the individual grants used to fund prevention activities
  • Track grant funding and utilization over time


  • Award agencies with funding to perform Counseling, Testing and. Referral Services (CTR), Health Education and Risk Reduction (HERR), Comprehensive Risk Counseling & Services (CRCS), Outreach and other prevention activities
  • Link Awards to Grants
  • Generate and Print Award Letters
  • Workflow for award generation, submittal and acceptance


  • Standardize agencies budgets for providing prevention services
  • Link Budgets to Awards
  • Generate and Print Budget Reports
  • Workflow for Budget submittal through approval


  • Link prevention activities to budgets
  • CTR (Counseling Testing and Referrals) data entry and storage
    • Track client data
    • Import client test results from lab
    • Generate and Print client testing results
  • HERR (Health Education and Risk Reduction)
    • Track Cycles, Sessions and Client Attendance
  • CRCS (Comprehensive Risk Counseling Service)
    • Track Cycles, Sessions and Client Attendance
  • Outreach
    • Track Cycles, Sessions, Risks, Demographics and Materials Distributed

Patient Referrals...

  • Seamlessly link data between ECLIPS and CPCDMS (CPCDMS is the system used by Harris County to manage HIV Care)
    • Provide appointments to agencies receiving funding through the Harris County Health Department for HIV care for patients receiving HIV+ test results
  • Provide notification and made and missed appointments to ensure patients are not falling out of care


  • Track activities and expenditures of a budget
  • View current status and trajectories verse budgeted expectations
  • Generate and Print Invoice Reports
  • Workflow for Invoice submittal through approval

Key Statistics...

  • ~43,000 clients entered
  • ~27,000 lab test results imported
  • Over $9.4 million in grants managed
(281) 640-8023 • 17302 House Hahl Rd, STE 316 • Cypress, TX 77433 • © Novasys Technologies, Inc. • All Rights Reserved